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Girls Hostel
New Peshawar Girls Hostel Captain Shahzad Shaheed Road, Academy Town, Canal Road, University Town, Peshawar 2 minute walking distance to Sardar Begum Dental College, Peshawar Facilities in 2 Kanal Banglow of Hostel: 1. Full Security/ Guards at the main gate 2. Wifi 3. Standby Power 4. Ground 5. Sports Tournaments 6. Neat and clean environment 7. Carpetted Rooms with cupboards/ wardrobs 8. Pick and drop facility 9. Tuition 10. Peaceful environment for study. 11. Mini Gym with instructor to be added soon. 12. Geezers for hot water (in winter) 13. Cold Drinking Water Coolers available (in summer) 14. 2 TV lounge 15. Spacious Dining Hall 16. A/C rooms available for summers (additional fee) 17. Laundry facility for washing and ironing. 18. Hair Dresser/ Beautician visit regularly to the hostel. 19. Mess available
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